Organic Smoothies
Besides having a dental degree, Dr. Taras also has degrees as a:
– Naturopathic Physician, Certified Nutritional Counselor, & in Integrative Biological Dental Medicine.
Dr. Taras teaches that nutrition is the key to dental health as well as over all health. Organic smoothies are a great way to get high quality live nutrients, enzymes, phytonutrients, & minerals that are easy to assimilate.
Brushing & flossing are only 20% of the equation for healthy teeth & gums. Nutrition is the other 80% and a vital element in preventing cavities & gingivitis. |
Organic fruit & vegetable smoothies are a great way to get nutrients, minerals, phyto-chemicals, & the live enzymes which are all necessary for health. These can easily be made in a Vitamix blender, Nutri-bullet, or Magic-bullet.
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Instructions to Filling Out the Above 3 Forms
1. Click on a form link above (example – click on “Welcome form“).
2. Print form, fill it out, & scan it back into your computer.
2. Print form, fill it out, & scan it back into your computer.
3. When done filling out all three forms, e-mail them to [email protected]
or you can bring the filled out forms with you to your appointment.